Friday, April 30, 2010

We Need Your Help!

Petitions for series to complete or continue are now available on the center bookcase in the IMC. Each series that I could identify in the IMC collection has a sheet listing the books in the series in order, along with the author's name, a list of genres, and a summary of the first book. Attached to this cover page are a couple of petition pages where you can sign your name if you want the IMC to keep that series going. The series have been grouped in brightly colored folders by the main genre of the series. So if you really like mysteries and adventure books for example, you can go to those folders and indicate your choices. The petitions will be available till the end of school in June. Then I will take them home and analyze your choices over the summer. In the fall I will begin purchasing missing or new additions to the series you have selected. Other series will be ignored. This is your chance to make your voice heard and show me what you want in the IMC collection.
There will be a form for new series that the IMC does not have where you and your friends can make new suggestions for me to look at. Please help!

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