Friday, January 31, 2014


This is not a new book, but one that I have wanted to read since last year. It was worth the wait. Set in the 1800s the story follows Miss Penelope Lumley as she gets her first job as governess to three feral children, children raised by wolves but now recovered and returned to human society by Lord Frederick of Ashton Place. Unfortunately Lady Constance, Lord Frederick's young wife, is terrified by the children. With Lady Constance's first Christmas Ball is coming up, Lord Frederick insists that the children be part of the party. Miss Lumley has trained then well in the social graces and all is fine until a squirrel is let loose in the ballroom and the children go wild chasing it destroying the party and most of the manor house. Just when a mysterious howling is discovered by Miss Lumley and the children in the high attic, the book ends making the reader eager to learn more. I call this pulling a Tarzan because Edgar Rice Burroughs did the same thing at the end of his first Tarzan forcing readers to buy his next book. I am asking students to tell me if they want the library to buy more books in this series called The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place.

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