Friday, September 13, 2013


A great way to find interesting books to read is to take a look at the bulletin board displays at the back of the IMC. Each year I pick a theme for each board and rotate displays throughout the year. This year the board nearest the Exit Only door is entitled Read Across the U.S. A. Each month a different section of the United States will be displayed with books about that region. To kick off this display I have chosen our home state of Illinois. Books, fiction and nonfiction, are on display. You might find a book by Richard Peck like A Long Way from Chicago about shotgun-toting Grandma Dowdel OR the intriguing art thief mystery Chasing Vermeer by Blue Balliett OR an new book, Cold Fury by T.M. Goeglein, about a girl on the run from the Mafia hiding in Chicago.

The bulletin board behind my desk is entitled Fiction Based on.... Each quarter I will choose a different concept to highlight. For first quarter the books are based on fairy tales. They might be retellings of favorite tales like Donna Jo Napoli's Beast (based on Beauty and the Beast). Or they might be sequels or follow-up stories like Gary D. Schmidt's Straw into Gold (based on Rumpelstiltskin). Or they might be a story fairy tales are woven into the story like Penny Blubaugh's Serendipity Market (where fairy tales told by side characters can save the world) OR Michael Buckley's The Fairy Tale Detectives (where fairy tale characters help to solve a crime).

Keep your eyes on these changing displays for new ideas of books to read.

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