Friday, April 20, 2012


Take a look at Neptune's Children by Bonnie Dobkin. Both books are part of a science fiction sub-genre called Dystopia. Dystopias are societies or cultures that are the opposite of uptopias (ideal worlds). In The Hunger Games, something has destroyed the United States that we know and replaced it with Capital City and the Districts. In Neptune's Children, a biological terrorist weapon is released killing all the adults and older children. For families that were visiting the Isles of Wonder Amusement Park, only young children and babies are left alive. How these children unite to survive is an amazing story filled with dangers and triumphs. But when mysterious things start happening inside and outside the park, many children begin to question the motives of the Core, the group of leaders who have been running this new society. Look for Neptune's Children on the New Book Shelves by the windows.

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