Friday, March 20, 2009

Scifi in the Distant Future

PJ Haarsma' s book The Softwire: Virus on Orbis 1, takes us into the distance future where humans have a very minor role in the galaxy. When a human sleeper ship arrives at the Rings of Orbis, only the children survive and are forced to work as knud-niks (slaves) to pay for their passage. Soon Johnny Turnbull discovers that he is a softwire, a special gift that allows him to enter any computer system with his mind. Softwires are rare in the galaxy so now Citizens of the Rings are bidding/arresting/kidnapping to get Johnny's ability. Meanwhile Johnny discovers a virus destroying the computer system at Orbis. Can he alert the authorities to this danger before they dissect him to study his power? Can he better the situation for the human orphans with his ability and avoid being kidnapped by a rival business group? And best news of all, there is a sequel coming soon to this library.

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