The 39 Clues series follows the adventures of a brother and sister who are trying to collect all the clues to a family treasure before other teams of family members. Since each book is written by a diferent young adult author, I have decided to give this series a generic call number FIC THI so all the books will be in the same place on the shelf.
The Samaurai Mysteries by Dorothy and Thomas Hoobler show how Seikei realizes his life's dream to become a samurai warrior by helping solve mysteries with his adopted father.
The Samaurai Mysteries by Dorothy and Thomas Hoobler show how Seikei realizes his life's dream to become a samurai warrior by helping solve mysteries with his adopted father.
The Enola Holmes Mysteries by Nancy Springer, propose a younger sister to the famous detective Sherlock Holmes who wants to make a name for herself as a detective.
There are psychic mysteries in the Gilda Joyce books by Jennifer Allison as Gilda tries to contact the spirits of dead people.
And my favorite is the Mysteries in the National Parks series by Gloria Skurzynski and Alane Ferguson. Each book takes place in a different national park. We currently have four of the series - Rage of Fire set in Hawaii, Cliff-Hanger set in Mesa Verde (and my personal favorite because I was there), Deadly Waters set in the Everglades, and Escape from Fear set in the Virgin Islands.
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