O'Dell's book The Aviary presents a most unusual situation. It starts
as a story about an old lady dying in a rundown mansion cared for by
a young girl, her mother, and a housekeeper. Mrs. Glendoveer, the old
lady, was married to a magician who performed all over the world and
was struck with tragedy when her six children were kidnapped. Five of
the children's bodies were recovered, but the youngest boy Elliott
was never found. That would be enough mystery for one book, but
there's more. Clara, the young girl, is frightened by the five birds
in the aviary who were supposedly part of the magician's act. One day
when Clara actually speaks to the birds, they surprisingly talk to
her. As Clara learns more about Mrs. Glendoveer's children from the
birds and snooping around the old mansion, she realizes that she may
also be learning about her missing father. This mystery with a touch
of fantasy slowly reveals the unusual circumstances that occurred
almost fifty years before.
While not a brand-new book, this one does appear on the Anderson's Mock Newbery list and I've been waiting to find time to read it. It was worth the wait.