There are some exciting new series appearing on the non-fiction book shelves. I like to take a couple of weeks to introduce them to you.
Let's start with a new holiday series entitled "Celebrate." Full of bright colorful pictures these books look at holidays celebrated by Americans even if they originated in another country. For example, one of the books is Celebrate Cinco de Mayo. It tells the reason for the holiday, the history of the holiday, who celebrated it, its symbols and cultrual significance, and how it is celebrated today here and abroad. There are also directions for making a pinata. Book features include a glossary, chapter notes, a bibliography including Internet websites, and an index. So far the IMC has 4 books of the series: Cinco de Mayo, Columbus Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and Ramandan, but more are coming. Use the Series Search on the IMC I.P.A.C. to check for other titles added in the future.
One series with a world outlook is "Middle East Nations in the News." This series is part of the Books publishing company. That means there is a password in the first section of the book that leads to a website with links to wonderful sites for research in the book's topic. The idea of this company is to provide research in one place that has been checked and evaluated by experts and is safe for use by children. The book itself provides a lot of information, too. There is a map, a facts page, and a timeline before the text begins. The text summaries why this country is in the news, then goes and looks at the culture and history that has lead to today's situation. Color pictures often show websites provide by the book's links. That's a lot to pack into a 128 page. Series Search on the Lakeview IMC I.P.A.C. to find what titles are on the IMC shelves.